
Schlagworte (dt.)
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Thinh, Nguyen Xuan; Vogel, Rico 
Multiple Criteria Analysis of Retention Areas for Flood Risk Management 
In: Schanze, J. (Ed.) : Flood Risk Management Research. From Extreme Events to Citizens Involvement. Proceedings European Symposium on Flood Risk Management Research (EFRM 2007), 6th-7th February 2007, Dresden, Germany. Dresden : IÖR, 2007, S.226 
Thinh, Nguyen Xuan; Vogel, Rico 
Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in the Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis of Retention Areas for Flood Risk Management 
In: Hryniewicz, O.; Studziñski, J.; Romaniuk, M. (Eds.) : EnviroInfo Warsaw 2007 - Environmental Informatics and Systems Research. The 21st International Conference on “Informatics for Environmental Protection”. Volume 1: Plenary and session papers. Aachen : Shaker, 2007, S.675-682 

Anzahl der gefundenen Dokumente: 2
Seiten:  1 - 2